If you happen to be a business-minded migrant, things can become a little tougher as you may need to deal with a lot more things when it comes to running a business in New Zealand, especially if you’re running a business that brings in something different to the country. But once things start to settle down and the business seems to be sorting itself out, you can eventually apply for a New Zealand entrepreneur residence visa.
This entrepreneur residence category visa is granted to migrants who have established a business that has provided growth and innovation to the country. This visa can only be granted to a migrant entrepreneur that has an existing entrepreneur work visa. Whereas the entrepreneur work visa allows to you purchase or establish your own business in New Zealand, the entrepreneur residence visa allows you to become a resident of New Zealand if your business was seen to bring growth and innovation to the country. One may apply for a two-year and a six-month visa, depending on what you want and the condition and contribution of your business.
The Entrepreneur Residence Category enables migrants who have established high growth and innovative businesses with the export potential to be granted residence. There are two ways of qualifying for residence under the Entrepreneur Residence Category: the 2-year option and the 6-month option.
Entrepreneur Residence Category (2 years) If you have successfully established or purchased a business in New Zealand, you have been self-employed in that business for at least two years, and your business has benefited New Zealand significantly, you may be eligible for residence in New Zealand under this category.
Entrepreneur Residence Category (6 months) This option provides a faster track to the residence for applicants who have been running a high-value business for at least six months. As well as meeting general health, character, and English language requirements, to gain residence under this category, you must hold an Entrepreneur Work Visa or Long Term Business (LTBV - cease to be effective from 20 December 2013), have successfully established or purchased a business in New Zealand, have been self-employed in that business for six months, have invested at least NZ$0.5 million in the business, and have created a minimum of three new full-time jobs for New Zealand citizens or residents.
Immigration Trust can help aid in your application process. Immigration Trust can help you with your application from start to finish and the processing time for the application with Immigration Trust can save you time as well. Immigration Trust can not only help you save time with your application, but they can also help you save money too! If you’re business is doing great, why not keep running it as a resident of New Zealand? Immigration Trust can help you make that happen.