If you want to make a complaint about a matter handled by Immigration New Zealand (INZ), we can follow a Client Complaint Resolution Process (CCRP) to seek resolution of your complaint about the service you received from INZ.
Your complaint might relate to:
An issue about the service you received
The time taken to process your application
A process failure–whether INZ did not follow its instructions or procedures
Being treated fairly as a victim of a crime as set out in the Victims Code
Other matters related to your dealings with INZ but not if you are just unhappy with a decision you received.
We will ask INZ to investigate and resolve problems within branches initially and identify problems that INZ cannot fix directly at branch level, then fix them.
If you are not in New Zealand lawfully and do not have a right of appeal to the IPT, you can contact us to discuss what options may be available to you.
The CCRP is not an avenue to seek reconsideration of a declined temporary visa application, a residence visa application, an invitation to apply for residence, or for a review of a declined request made under Section 61 of the Immigration Act 2009.
We can help you with your complaint to Immigration NZ