Immigration Trust & Simon Park's names/profiles have been stolen & used to scam people in the Philippines. Someone called Nixon family approached people in the Philippines using their Facebook page (now the page has removed the reference to Immigration Trust and Simon's profile but still operate the page to offer immediate work placement for you. We have NO affiliation with the Nixon family. We have no affiliation in the Philippines yet. The family used Immigration Trust's name and Simon Park (our CEO)'s profile to lure people to believe that the company has a reputable Licensed Immigration Adviser (LIA) working with them. However they used a wrong email address ([email protected]) which was not listed on (see below). Now they changed and use their own email address. Immigration Trust & Simon Park has NO working relationship with Nixon family nor New Zealand Job Hiring - POEA. They stole & used our company name and Simon's profile to scam people to get money. How to avoid all these?1. Check the licensed immigration adviser's details from, See Simon Park's details below. As you can see the email used by the Nixon family is different from the email address registered with 2. No Licensed Immigration Adviser (LIA) asks you pay the fee without issuing a letter of engagement. Therefore you must ask for a written agreement or a letter of engagement from your LIA before paying anything. This practise has been clearly explained in the Code of Conduct 2014 and every LIA must follow. If not, please complain to via here. What should I do if I was contacted by the Nixon family1. If you have been approached by the Nixon family or their Facebook Page called New Zealand Job Hiring - POEA ( please report to via [email protected] with evidence. We really hope there is none actually paid them for this bogus service. 2. Please share this via your social site to prevent the Nixon family from carrying on this scam.
AuthorImmigration Trust Team Archives
January 2025