If you are an immigrant with a character issue, don't give up on your dreams of living in New Zealand. It is possible to get a Resident Visa with a character waiver. This means that the NZ government has decided that you are not a threat to national security, and are otherwise eligible to live in NZ. There are many things you will need to do in order to be successful with this type of visa application, but one of the most crucial parts is to consult with an immigration lawyer or adviser who is committed to helping you through the process.
This client initially applied for 2021 Resident Class Visa with another lawyer. However, the family’s application was facing a serious hurdle as upon initial assessment of their application, the case officer informed that the main applicant might not meet the character requirement due to some personal matters that happened in the past. They were asked to respond in two weeks.
To make matters worse, probably due to the complication of the case, the previous immigration lawyer stopped communicating with him.
The client wasn't sure where to turn for help; his family’s future depended on how he would respond to INZ. Fortunately, he found out about our firm upon doing Google search. He read Simon's profile and decided to book a consultation. During the consultation, Simon was able to help the client understand the process and what he needed to do next. As a result of the consultation, the client felt much more confident about the case.
After their phone meeting, Simon prepared a letter of engagement for the client to consider. As soon as the client read the offer from Simon, he signed and paid the first instalment. They needed to move quickly and sort out the response to INZ if they wanted to have a chance to have this family’s resident visas approved.
Once they engaged, Simon wrote to INZ requesting for an extension and informing them of the client’s Change of LIA. He needed time to prepare the necessary documents for the client’s character waiver request. Once the extension was approved, Simon immediately prepared the response to INZ.
The client and Simon worked together as a team to make sure that everything was submitted on time and all the requirements were fulfilled. After several communications with the case officer, they finally received approval for the family’s resident visa.
Note: When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many businesses were forced to reevaluate the way they operated. For us, this meant shifting to a completely remote working model. Although this was initially difficult to adjust to, we quickly found it more efficient and practical to communicate with our clients online with our advanced IT system. So even when the restrictions were lifted, our firm decided to continue with the no face-to-face meeting policy, which saves time and money while still providing clients with high-quality service.