1. Making a Complaint
If you have concerns regarding any services provided by us under our written agreement, you may raise a complaint by contacting:
2. Acknowledgement of Your Complaint Upon receiving your complaint, we will acknowledge it in writing within three (3) working days. 3. Resolution Meeting We are open to meeting with you to discuss your complaint in detail and work towards a fair and prompt resolution. You are welcome to bring a support person of your choice to any such meeting. 4. Formal Response Following our meeting, or upon receiving complete details of your complaint, we will provide a formal written response within ten (10) working days. 5. Further Action (if necessary) If you are dissatisfied with our response, the Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) recommends that you attempt to resolve the matter through our internal complaint procedure before seeking their intervention. If you still believe we have breached the Licensed Immigration Advisers Code of Conduct 2014, you may escalate the complaint to the IAA. Your complaint to the IAA must be in writing and specify the grounds that form the basis of your complaint. You may use the IAA’s Complaint Form, available along with additional information on their website at www.iaa.govt.nz. Contact Details for the IAA:
For more information, please visit the IAA's website at www.iaa.govt.nz. Comments are closed.