This client's situation was truly unfortunate. Due to a health issue, she had no choice but to stay in New Zealand longer than she had planned. And as if that weren't already difficult enough, subsequent events made it impossible for her to avoid being considered as unlawful.
But when she came to our firm for help with a Section 61 request, our CEO, Simon was convinced that he could make a difference. After an initial consultation, he offered her his services and she eagerly signed on.
From that point on, Simon worked tirelessly on her behalf. He meticulously compiled the documents needed to support her case and helped her build a compelling application that clearly demonstrated her true intention to remain in New Zealand.
There were moments of doubt and uncertainty along the way, but Simon never wavered in his commitment to this client's case. He knew that her dreams of staying in New Zealand with her partner hung in the balance, and he was determined to give her the best possible chance of achieving them.
And so, after weeks of waiting and hoping, Simon received the news they had all been praying for - the Section 61 had been approved. The client could now pursue her dreams of building a life in New Zealand without the fear of being deported.
It's impossible not to feel a sense of bittersweet regret when thinking about this case. Regret that our client had to go through so much hardship just to be able to stay in a place that she loved. But also a sense of gratitude to the system that allowed this client to finally find some peace and security in her life.