Embarking on a journey into foreign territory can be challenging, particularly when one is dealing with an unlawful immigration status. This was the daunting reality for a young man, whose passion for rugby and dreams for life after high school brought him into a new realm of uncertainty and trepidation.
Raised in his homeland, this young man stood out with his impressive rugby abilities during his school years. His talent was recognized, leading him to receive a rugby scholarship from a school in Auckland, New Zealand. With enthusiasm, he accepted this golden opportunity. The prospects of experiencing a different country, soaking up a new culture, and advancing his rugby prowess, turned his dream into reality.
Upon completing his high school education in 2019, he returned home for the holidays, only to be offered a chance to play professional rugby in New Zealand. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in widespread unemployment and economic upheaval. He was caught in a dilemma: to return home to a grim job market, or to remain in New Zealand, thereby risking an unlawful immigration status, possible deportation, and inability to provide for his family.
In spite of these risks, he made the bold decision to stay in New Zealand. His love for the country and his aspiration to contribute to its growth spurred his desire to transition from an unlawful immigrant to a permanent resident. However, achieving this dream appeared daunting due to his precarious immigration status.
This dilemma guided him to Simon, a specialist in handling Section 61 cases - a beacon of hope for those with unlawful status seeking to normalize their situation. Under Simon's guidance, a compelling Section 61 application was meticulously prepared, making a convincing case for his stay. Their joint effort led to the approval of the application, enabling him to transition from an unlawful to a lawful resident.
Today, the young man relishes the security and peace of mind that comes with his lawful status and looks forward to engaging with us for his future visa applications to maintain his residency in New Zealand. The fear of deportation or overstaying is now a thing of the past.
It is important to highlight that our client and Simon never had a personal meeting. Thanks to our advanced IT system, all essential preparations were handled, and clear lines of communication were maintained, ensuring a successful Section 61 submission, instrumental in transitioning from an unlawful to a lawful immigration status. Our team stands prepared to offer similar expert guidance on your journey from being an unlawful immigrant to a lawful resident of New Zealand.