Not write more than the maximum number of words for each question
IELTS Reading Band 6.5
Get 27 out of 40 answers correct for IELTS 6.5*
Spell answers correctly
Not write more than the maximum number of words for each question
IELTS Writing Band 6.5
Answer both questions adequately
Show good ability to organise an answer (e.g. paragraphs, linking words)
Attempt to use some higher-level vocabulary (even if not always accurate)
Provide an overview with supporting details in Task 1
Indicate a position and provide supporting arguments in Task 2
Make yourself understood (even if grammatical mistakes are made)
IELTS Speaking Band 6.5
Speak at length on certain topics
Use a range of linking words to connect ideas
Show good ability to paraphrase
Use both simple and complex structures
Speak with generally good pronunciation
How to maximize Your IELTS Score
Some ex-examiners of IELTS analyzed IELTS tests and came up with the study materials for those who need guidelines on how to tackle upcoming IELTS tests to maximize their scores. Sitting the test is expensive, and going through the materials below would save you time and money.