Changing from an Essential Skills Work Visa to a Partnership based Work Visa
A client approached us using our paid phone consultation with our CEO. He had an Essential Skills Work Visa expiring 2023, but he has been in a relationship with an NZ resident and wanted to have the flexibility to change his job.
Now we are working on his resident visa application to be submitted next month. Although he would have an option to apply for the 2021 Resident Visa in March next year, his Partnership based Resident Visa will be approved faster.
Although INZ will introduce a new work visa policy and a new SMC resident visa policy, there will be no change to the current Partner Visa policy. If you are in a similar situation, please consider contacting us for consultation.
How you prepare documents and approach to the requests by your case officer will make a huge difference. We have been quite successful in many partnership-based Visa Applications. Before you decide to engage with us for your case, please test whether your case would succeed via our service below.