When unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances arise, it can be challenging to navigate the complicated legal processes involved in extending one's stay in a foreign country. This was the case with one of our clients who approached us seeking help to extend his visitor visa in New Zealand. The client found himself in a difficult situation due to issues with his ex-partner, and he desperately needed to stay in the country in order to secure the welfare of his children.
At the outset, the client consulted with Simon, our CEO, to discuss his options thoroughly. After careful consideration of all available facts, Simon sent a letter of engagement to the client, which he immediately signed. From there, Simon got to work in preparing the request for an extension on behalf of his client.
Due to the client's previous stay in the country for the maximum period allowed for visitor visa holders- nine months within 18 months, Simon knew that his request for extension had to be stellar. The client's situation demanded that he be granted an extension to stay in the country for the welfare of his children. This demand required Simon to use his skills to submit a well laid out and convincing request to the immigration authorities on behalf of his client.
Simon's vast experience in navigating the immigration landscape was an essential factor in his success in the application process. He put together a comprehensive submission, detailing the client's unique and exceptional circumstances, which justified a visitor visa extension in New Zealand. Simon's mastery of the immigration requirements and regulations surrounding visitor visa extensions ensured that his submission was convincing, compelling and presented the client's case in the most favourable light possible.
With Simon's expert guidance and skilled application, the client was granted a two-month extension to stay in the country. This outcome was a significant relief to the client, who was able to be present to support his children during a difficult time.