Elizabeth is a 5th-year student at Victoria University’s Law school. She is undertaking a conjoint degree in Laws and Commerce majoring in Law, International Business, and Chinese.
In December 2016 she achieved Victoria Plus, the University’s Service and Leadership Award in recognition for her leadership and volunteering services on and off campus.
She brings her experience as a Legal Pupil from when she undertook her pupillage at Plowman Chambers (Hong Kong, 2016).
Elizabeth has always had a keen interest in international business. As a Chinese New Zealander, she has kept in touch with her roots in Hong Kong which drives her global mindset to contribute to society by furthering ties between New Zealand and overseas.
Her primary focus is on Immigration law and process. She provides legal assistance to by researching specific questions of law and policy, researching immigration instructions and the Immigration Act. Her other tasks include a review of legal memorabilia, letters to clients, et al.
To support the ethical and professional operation of Immigration Trust and also its implementation of elements of Corporate Social Responsibility in the future, several high profile people generously offered their help and decided to join our Advisory Board.