Nowadays, any partnership based visa applicants should expect to be challenged a lot.
You should expect a phone interview (at least), or have to fly to Hamilton for individual interviews where each of the partners to be interviewed and observed by two officers in separated rooms. One officer interviews and the other officer observes and records.
Yesterday Immigration Trust had another successful case which was challenged by the case officer many times as the case officer was suspicious of the relationship of our client. Immigration Trust was contacted at the last minute.
Simon, our CEO, was engaged, and he communicated with the case officer to ask for an extension first. He analysed the situation and guided the client what to do. He defended the case with evidence and logic. The case officer came back with another PPI letter.
Simon prepared and went back to the case officer covering every point the case officer was asking. However, the case officer was adamant that if the work visa were granted, it would be 5th time when typical cases two times should be the limit.
Simon asked it to be the exception and negotiated with the case officer. The work visa was granted on the last day of the client's interim visa. What a drama but with a happy ending!